Oct 21, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Your perception of the past will change as you do. And if you can change your past, through your perception, you can undo all the chains that have tied you down so far.Oct 20, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Happiness is not about experiencing something new or something exciting. It is continually experiencing what you already have, in different ways.And this also means that happiness is rarely about doing more. Instead, it is about having the time, space and...Oct 19, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
We often want to make overnight changes.But that won’t work.Because our body and mind resists change.So we have to trick our body and mind.By making the change happen slowly. For example: You wake up at 8am and want to wake up at 6am instead?Setting the alarm...Oct 18, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
The famous Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai opened in 1903 at Rs. 6 per room.Today, that same room costs Rs. 26,000. That’s 7.2% annual inflation for 120 years! If your money is not growing (post taxes) at atleast this rate, it is LOSING value every year. ...Oct 16, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
This is a story I have always loved to recite, with a brilliant life lesson. One day, Narad Muni went to Lord Vishnu.Narad Muni keeps chanting “Narayana Narayana” (which is another name for Lord Vishnu) as he believes that he is Vishnu’s truest follower. To validate...Oct 15, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
We feel lonely without others because we have not built a friendship with our own selves. Who else can be your best friend, but you? You know your strengths. You know your weaknesses. You know your secrets. You know your desires. You know your mind. The truth is...