3 life hacks that have saved me time and again

The 30-day rule When you desire a big purchase, do not buy it right away.Give yourself 30 days and ask yourself if you still want it just as much as you did earlier. If you do, go for it.Chances are you won’t. Keep a gratitude jar Everyday, before going to bed,...

Trust is a wonderful thing

Trust is magical, especially in trust-deficient societies. If you are not used to being trusted, and people trust you, it does wonders.And the opposite is also true.If you show people that you trusted them, and they let you down, they rise to the situation a lot...

The power of writing

I write every day.Not type.Write! Unfortunately, most of us don’t.Not anymore. Writing has been replaced by videos, typing, and digital pens.And we have lost a huge part of our evolution. Here is why writing matters. When we write, we tell our brain that what we...

What losing my tennis match taught me

Our colony was conducting a Double Tennis tournament. My team made it to the semi-finals and then we lost.I played worse than the worst player in the tournament. And then I spent the entire day thinking about it.Over analyzing.Questioning my shots, my strategy.Nothing...

Learning a new field

If you are new to a field, here’s a 3-step process to help you learn effectively: Pick up online courses related to the field. The Internet allows everyone to be a student and learn from the best teachers available. Do that. Join an online community around the field....

What memories are made of

I still remember that day in July 2002.I was to leave for the US for my PhD in a month. It had already been an expensive (and unaffordable) affair – paying for the exams, applications, visa, flight, books. We were completely out of money.And I needed overcoats....