3 hacks for maximum productivity

No notifications except calls.You can set a work mode, so only the notifications you have permitted will come through.  No unread banners on any app.They can be a lot more distracting than we care to admit. Time limits for all social media apps with...

The best things in life

The best thing you can do to improve your health – Cut out refined sugar and soda. The best thing you can do to improve your wealth – Stop buying things you don’t need. The best thing you can do to improve your sleep – Stop staring at the phone right...

What movies teach us about people

A movie that you fell completely in love with the first time you watched it? It was The Dark Knight for me! The script, the music, the characters — everything was on point and it blew my mind away! I loved it so much that I watched it again. And again. And again! By...

I wish I would have…

Every time when we think,  “I wish I would have done that differently”, we are thinking about something we can’t change. What’s done has been done.No amount of thinking will change that. No amount of regret will change that. What we can change is what we do next....

Don’t take my advice on this…

We often seek advice when we have multiple options in front of us.And we are unsure of which option to pick! There begins our journey of finding the right answer.We look for people who have taken similar decisions before, hoping that we will get an answer! However,...