Jul 7, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
You are irritated by the behaviour of others.It frustrates you..And they don’t even realise it. So to teach them a lesson, you do the same thing to them.Only, that it does not change them.They do not see their fault through your actions.There now remains no difference...Jul 6, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We are drawn towards people that have the same points of view as us.They make us feel comfortable.They make us feel safe.Our worldviews, our belief systems, our values are held intact. However, they don’t make us grow.They simply validate our existing cocoon of...Jul 5, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Someone spoke disrespectfully.They were rude and mean.More so, they didn’t even realise what they did. And we felt hurt.Not just when they said what they said.But repeatedly after that, thinking of it.However, they only said it once.The playing of that audio and video...Jul 4, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
You’ve been trying too hard.Days, weeks, and months – relentlessly.Still you’re not getting the results you want. Sounds familiar?Is every repeated effort of yours a replica of the last effort? What if you tried different things this time? Not getting results doesn’t...Jul 3, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
There’s a group meeting. And you want to share your point. However, no one really listens. It’s just an endless discussion. In such times, it’s fun and intriguing how the habit of Hollywood actor, Keanu Reeves, comes to help. Whenever someone else is speaking,...Jul 2, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Don’t laugh too hard.Stop doing that.Don’t behave like that.Talk like that. Be this way. We’re always telling our kids what they should and shouldn’t do. Their life becomes a rulebook instead of a blank slate with infinite possibilities. What if we taught our kids how...