Ever continued to watch a boring Netflix series?

The first few episodes of the Netflix series are boring.However, you still keep watching the series.  Because a friend told you to stay at it because it gets interesting eventually. What if we treat our goals and our journey the same way?Keep at them even when...

What if a thief enters your house?

You wake up all of a sudden and catch a thief!He has already filled up his bags with your stuff.  Would you allow them to carry even a spoon with them? A pen? A small matchstick?No, right? Then how is it that someone enters the abode of our happiness, takes it...

Stuck in your work?

Lots of work on the list?Several hindrances?Unable to focus? Do you also sometimes feel the same way about your work? No matter how much you try to focus on your important tasks, the hindrance just keeps coming up. It’s almost repeated on an endless loop. The real...

Are we killing people?

In ancient Eastern culture, trees used to be very thick and deeply rooted. It was impossible to cut them. So, in order to kill them, the villagers used to gather around the trees and call them names. Abused them relentlessly. Kept telling them they didn’t serve any...

How strong are we truly within?

“Was it okay?Did you like what I said?Do I look good?Do you love me?” Of all the needs that we have, the need for validation always makes us weak. Waiting for someone else to tell us that we are right.Asking people to be our cheerleaders, because we can’t be our...

Can’t break the chains that you are tied to?

When a baby elephant is born, one of its legs is tied to a chain.It doesn’t have much strength as a baby, so it cannot break it and run away. Tired of trying over and over again, the baby elephant finally gives up. It has now accepted this chain as the new normal....