Would you call yourself an entrepreneur?

IIT Delhi student, at the entrepreneurship club speaker series. Ofcourse yes! How else would I get invited to the entrepreneurship club! :) Who is an entrepreneur? Someone who starts on his own? Someone who owns sizable equity? The founder? Well, technically yes. And...

It seems to me…

This will be a lesson. A lesson that took a lot of effort for me to learn, but once I did I realized its power. This is a lesson on Feedback – giving and receiving. It has been a fascinating experience for me. It started in an “organized” fashion...

Time is the biggest sunk cost

I grew up dreaming of becoming an astrophysicist. That dream consumed me. I loved everything about the universe and the physics of it. And then, over a year – while I was in my PhD program (and top of my class, with a 100% scholarship) I realized this...

The Tomorrow Test

The past 2 weeks have been unusually busy. Preparing for Q4, some key initiatives. And speaking to a stream of entrepreneurs that came my way. 6 of them, to be precise. All but 1 failed the Tomorrow Test. Somewhere in the past 6 years, it become clear to me that any...

The final interview round

Considering my “fancy title”, most candidates I meet everyday have already gone through multiple technical and qualifier interview rounds. I am fortunate to meet the best of the crowd. And I am entrusted upon conducting the “final interview...