Sep 17, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
A lot of us do not want to live by the conventional route. We want to explore and challenge ourselves.But our fears hardly let that happen. What if I fail in singing?What would I tell my parents if I couldn’t earn as much as Sharma ji’s son?What would my friends say...Sep 16, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Kindness leads to success.Or success leads to kindness. A statement a lot of people ponder upon. Will we be successful if we are kind?Or should we be kind when we get successful? To me, kindness is non-negotiable because people want to be validated and heard more than...Sep 15, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Everyone is walking a different path. We all seem the same, yet we all are on our own paths. Different challenges, different beliefs and different ways to solve them. What, then, is the point of wanting to follow someone else’s path?What’s the point of knowing the...Sep 14, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Most sports are played in the mind, and not so much on the field. The fittest people are fit because they talk to their mind daily to go work out, irrespective of the chills outside. The stories we are living today are the result of stories our mind has been telling...Sep 13, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
The friend who quit trying after failing once.The colleague who gave up because they were tired of being tired.The super successful people in school whom we’ve forgotten We don’t remember any one of them anymore. Because we don’t remember people by what they have...Sep 12, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Finding our passion isn’t a destination to reach. It is a journey to go through, almost every day. Doing jobs that others are not willing to do.Reaching out to people, which may not make sense to others.Pursuing an online course just because it sparks our curiosity....