Sep 24, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
A friend with zero savings always nudges us to invest more.The coworker with a secure job is pushing us to pursue our dreams. Too often, we lay more importance on who is giving the advice instead of what advice is being given. “They aren’t living that life, what right...Sep 23, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We want to get the task done.Before the deadline.But we get it done only right before the deadline. That causes chaos, confusion, and even lack of focus. What if we broke down a huge task into small deadlines? It’s about feeding the inner muscles to get activated near...Sep 22, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We take time to nurture all our important relationships. Family.Friends.Colleagues. However, what about the relationship with the most important person, i.e., ourselves? What is our response when people criticise us?What if they don’t give any reaction?How do we stay...Sep 20, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We are nervous.Anxious about what people would think.Scared of not making it through. The worst part is – this vicious cycle continues for every instance of life. No matter how much we try, we can’t tame the mind to stop overthinking. What if, this time we...Sep 19, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Ignorance is bliss. The news.Trolls on social media.Opinions of relatives. Ignorance is also poverty. Not knowing who we are.What keeps the flame in us alive.What nudges our heart to take action. One makes us insane.Another keeps us sane. One induces fear...Sep 18, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
If we were given a chance to peek into our future, we’d certainly not miss it. What if we knew that the way we live our days is setting up our foundation for our future? This also enables us to change our past, because the present of today is the past of the future....