Jun 21, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The best thing we can do to improve our health – Cut out refined sugar and soda. The best thing we can do to improve our wealth – Stop buying things we don’t need. The best thing we can do to improve your sleep – Stop staring at the phone right up...Jun 20, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
If you often find people around you saying, “You’ve changed!” “You were not like this” “You are not the same anymore!” And if you are confused – Should you change? Should you not? You think people will dislike you. People will leave if you aren’t who they want...Jun 19, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Consistency + Authenticity is the magic formula to crack the content game. Ideas are all around you. Don’t put pressure on yourself for creating original ideas. Instead, share your take on existing ideas. If you are not having fun while creating content, people will...Jun 18, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
We always have new ideas. Ideas that we are excited about. Ideas that can bring about change. The problem is never a lack of new ideas. The problem isn’t the intent either. The problem is that these new ideas end up clashing with the old ones. Guess who wins? The old...Jun 17, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Luck has a wonderful design to happen to those who show up consistently. Even when they were not supposed to. Even when it was okay to cut corners. Even when no one was watching. When we sign up for the journey, the outcome is bound to come. Being honest with the...Jun 16, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Whenever we step into a conversation with someone, it’s essential to be prepared with the answer to the question – How can I help? It would be unfortunate if we have the attention, yet we don’t know what to ask for! The truth is, people are always ready to help....