Courage to live your life

Live your entire life in a way that you don’t have to become someone else to live it! Are you living your parents’ life just because you were scared to have ONE brave conversation? Are you in a relationship because you were scared of being lonely for one year,...

The root of half of our problems

Half of our problems are not being able to distinguish between what we should do, want to do and have to do. I should become an engineer/CA/lawyer/doctorI want to become an engineer/CA/lawyer/doctorI have to become an engineer/CA/lawyer/doctor I should = what we think...

The only thing we could control

We struggle to love ourselves because we attach our self worth to what others think of us.But we don’t control what others think of us. People will think good of us when they are in a good mood.People won’t think good of us when they are not in a good mood. If we...

Your worth is determined by…

What others think of you is the output. You can never control that. However, the best part is that your worth is never decided by what others think. Your worth is what you do.Your worth is who you are.Your worth is the intentions you put in.Your worth is determined by...

Silence IS a response

The worst way to respond to people who hate you, is to respond. Haters are happy people who choose to suffer. They are the kids who cried at the shopping mall with their Mom to hand them over the toy, and yet weren’t given any. That kid grew up to hate everyone. They...

One reason to travel

Someone asked me 3 reasons why we should travel. I offered only one. To break the routine. To not let boredom settle in. To take the time to reflect. It breaks your chain of repeated thoughts, and pumps up a series of new thoughts, and that’s beautiful. Only when you...