The world is a place filled with bad people

The world is a place filled with bad people.People want to cheat on you.People want to make the most out of you without caring about you. Most of us, consciously or unconsciously, grow up with this belief system. The truth is, the world is a place filled with very...

The first thing after making a mistake

The first thing, the very first thing that I do after making a mistake, is accept the fact that I am responsible for making the mistake. Yes, someone else could have avoided the mistake. That is how most people handle their mistakes. However, just because someone else...

Seth Godin and giving up your chips

Seth Godin is one of the people in the content industry I look up to.He has been writing his daily blog for over 25 years now.And over and above being a marketer, he is one of the finest thinkers I’ve come across. In a recent blog post, Seth mentioned about his...

The definition of awesome

I was once asked the definition of awesome, on Quora. I believe there is no defined parameter. Awesome is the manager who chooses to trust despite a team mate faltering.Awesome is the friend who listens to what you are going through, without any judgement.Awesome is...

No one likes surprises

We all love surprises.Wrong. We all love only those surprises that we love. The surprises that we didn’t expect, are called problems. One of the responsibilities as a leader, is to take care of your team.Which also means, to never give them the surprises they...

A secret to predict your future

I’m a big fan of habits.Habits are how I have set up my life around.Be it content creation, be it reading books, or even working out. It has been one of the greatest reasons of why I feel energetic always. However, one of the secrets is I never predict my future...