Oct 31, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The purpose of writing a blog is different from the purpose of writing a landing page. The purpose of having a 1:1 is different from having a review. The purpose of building a community is different from starting with the intention to sell. None is wrong. They are...Oct 30, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
You are responsible for professional growth of your team. Whereas family, you accept them unconditionally. You must give constructive feedback to your team. Whereas you love your family despite their flaws. You may perhaps have to even fire a team member and bring a...Oct 29, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The smartest learn from everything and everyone.The smart ones from their experiences.The stupid already have all the answers. The smartest people live their lives like a stupid – looking for answers, finding life lessons in experiences of others, and never...Oct 28, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The world wants you to settle in your 20s. Get done with your studies.Get a nice job.Earn a salary.Get married.On your way to have kids.Buy that car.That house perhaps. Settle. Settle. Settle! Spend your 20s exploring and not settling.Don’t box yourself.Free...Oct 27, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
The most difficult person you will spend time time, is you yourself Most of us do not spend time with ourselves. Because we are scared of what we might find. Or scared of what we might tell ourselves. Our thoughts are our biggest strength, our biggest enemy and our...Oct 26, 2021 | Entrepreneurship
Yesterday we hit 1 Mn on YouTube.It took us 5 years of relentless content creation, most of the time during which, no one was watching us. And as we were celebrating on the Zoom call, I told my team a powerful thing:In less than a decade, we will hit 10 Mn...