Interview questions

When an interviewer asks you questions about yourself, they are not going to judge you by the facts of the answer. They are going to judge you by how much you know yourself. And very few of us do! Awareness, is everything. Everything!

The truth about values

Your values won’t make money for you. However, on days when you are crying out loud and driving your car, what do you offer to someone asking for food at the traffic signal – kindness or anger? The thing you offer to them are your values. In that moment, when you...

The most dangerous people

The most dangerous people invest their energy explaining why change is something they don’t need. The best thing you can do to stay away from their danger is not enter their danger zone! Because their zone makes you believe that you don’t need to change! However, the...

A valuable lesson for life

Working out teaches you discipline and patience like few other things do. Working is not painful. Pain is showing up for the workout. Getting off the couch. Having proteins. Having meals on time. Keeping track of your body measurements. These are the things that need...

The truth about fear

The world fears the person who doesn’t fear anything. But it’s scarier for the world to face someone who embraces fear. Someone who moves on despite their fears is the most fearful for the world. Because they have chosen to leave the herd, and walk their own path. The...

No one covers the unexpected

The world will always keep you in the news if you do the unexpected. No one covers the expected. No one cares. If you do a side gig along with your job. Or if you work more than expected in your job. If you say ‘I love you’ to your parents more often. Or better still,...