Spend more time…

Spend more time appreciating others than you spend on waiting for others to appreciate you. Did you know that when you appreciate others for what they do when they are not around, it travels to them quicker than you think? Did you know that when you appreciate others...

Committing mistakes

You will learn your most valuable lessons from committing the very same mistakes you knew you should have avoided. Of course, you know what to avoid. But if you have fallen into the trap of still committing that mistake, you are now so rich in wisdom that no bang on...

You can’t deny energy

If you fall down from a high rise building, no matter if you are a good person or not, you will die. That is the law of Physics – law of gravity. So is another law of Physics – law of energy. Which is: In order to give energy, you have to gain energy. In...

The beautiful thing about anger

The most beautiful thing about anger or any negative emotion is, that the moment you become aware of them, they vanish! Yet we are wanting for some external force to kill it over without being aware of it in the first place! Awareness curses negativity. Awareness...

Course or college?

The course you study doesn’t determine your education. Your surrounding does. If you are studying your favourite stream but are in a college that does not help you hang out with the best peers, or you do not feel motivated, or the environment makes you coast, then the...

Your visiting card

You don’t need a name. Your actions have already determined who you are. The work you do. The work you don’t do. The excuses you choose not to make because you are responsible. Over time, every action and every lack of action allows people to know even in...