The other day I went to Sandeep Maheshwari’s office, to record a video for his channel. Amongst the multiple question that were asked to me, I asked Sandeep what was his daily routine like. In the broad outline that he shared, he explicitly mentioned how he...


It is one of the strongest bonds that we look forward to, as kids.However, while growing up, we dilute that relationship. Because we do not feel ourselves there. We don’t feel seen.And then, to get back to loving them, because you have too little time left with...

What happens when a player retires?

What happens when a legendary sports player retires from the game officially?What do they take away with them?What do they leave behind? As Roger Federer announces his retirement today, I get into a reflective mode. It got me thinking: The game continues. It always...

The secret you are looking for

Seth Godin knows the market he writes for.So does Gary Vee – for his videos.So does Bhuvan Bam. The big thing about the big shots is that they never focused on getting big. They focused on their smallest viable audience, and never stopped doing their small...

The smartest people ask questions

They ask questions because they are curious.They ask questions because they genuinely want to know.They ask questions because they are okay appearing dumb in front of others, instead of staying that dumb forever. Go, ask the question you want to ask. Because, you want...

You don’t need to be productive 24*7!

The beautiful thing about time management is that you do not have to be productive 24*7. You may choose to be productive just for 3-4 hours of the day. And that is enough. However, to get there, you need to understand your relationship with time. To understand your...