
Everyone struggles. Not only you.Everyone goes through the process of being unsure.Of having self-doubts.Of having struggles they hadn’t envisioned. This isn’t a race to feel less bad about.This is an awareness, to know that we’re all in this...

How we work WITHOUT targets

We build a process for what we do. And we do that clinically.Every week, we analyse how well the process is serving us. Through data.Based on those numbers, we figure what is working, and what isn’t. We do more of what’s working. Do less of what isn’t. Rinse and...

Wasting years of life

It breaks my heart when I see young, capable, driven people waste the most beautiful years of their lives comparing themselves to others.  They get so used to it (and so good at it), that it becomes a habit for life!  When we compare ourselves to others, we...

Nights and weekends

For those who hate their jobs, nights and weekends could be used for either of the two purposes: To party and put a mask on your problemsWork hard towards your passion, while you have the financial cushion to pay your bills. You don’t lack time. You lack...

All of a sudden in 2020…

“Hey warikoo, looks like you surfaced all of a sudden in 2020, and did not exist before that.” Someone said that to me recently on Twitter, as to how I got “famous” all of a sudden through the pandemic. However, here is the reality: I’ve...

Brand wariCrew

We have recently started documenting what we do as a team, such as How we decide on the offsiteWhat does the monthly ratings look like?Bonus hitting the bankWhat we did with the bonusHow Radical Candor feedback flows in the teamHow we went about recruiting the latest...