Keep moving forward

Small increase in weights you lift. 10 minutes early from your waking up time. Eating healthy most days of the week. For the longest time, it will feel like you aren’t making any progress. Until you see a transformed person altogether. Transformation is usually...

Hell vs heaven

Our body loves familiarity. So it stays in hell. It hates to get out and seek some newness. So it lets go of heaven. Truth be told, we know what they exactly are. We just need to choose.Every single day.

Let it go!!

In the last scene of ZNMD, when Imran and Arjun try to convince Kabir to reconsider his marriage, Imran tells him: “Let it go. Let it go, Kabir.” That, to me, is the goosebumpy moment. Because in order to be free, we gotta let go of everything that is...

Are exams urgent or important?

Are exams urgent or important?How do you manage your time during exams?  I’d say exams are both urgent and important.Ideally, nothing else should take up space in your mind during those days.  What this means is – you won’t have time to pursue your...

It is JUST the start!!

Getting the degree is not the end. It is the start. Clearing the interview is not the end. It is the start. Entering a relationship is not the end. It is the start. Raising funds is not the end. It is the start. Your goal is not the end. It is the...