Jun 4, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Staying away from home for one’s studies could take a toll on your expenses. Here are 3 ways I saved money staying by myself, that helped me, during my 2 years of PhD in the US: 1. I used to cook at home. Everyday. No ordering out.Healthy. Cheap....Jun 3, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
How to get motivated to workout daily? Hire a trainerGo with a friend.Commit to a goal publicly.Engage in the gym gossip.Sign up for the membership.Find a new love interest in your gym.Get expensive shoes that you will regret not using. Whatever works for you! Until,...Jun 2, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
“There are times I feel I don’t want to live.” “My mother’s dying. And I cannot do anything to help her.” “Every morning I get up, I feel I would never be as good as my elder brother, whom my parents completely adore.” As the founder of nearbuy, I started an...Jun 1, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
Are you someone who loses their productivity as the day goes on? This post is for you. As the day goes on, many of us start losing focus, especially after lunch. However, here are some ways in which we can keep our productivity going even at this time: Japan’s...May 30, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
“Once you finish studying, you will get a job.Once you get a job, you will make money.Once you make money, you will be happy.” THIS was the biggest lie sold to us! Happiness is not a candy out of a vending machine – that once it is with you, it becomes yours....May 29, 2023 | Entrepreneurship
5 things that do NOT make you successful at work: 1. Taking credit for someone else’s work, to look better in front of the boss.2. Giving the boss the most importance, while demeaning other colleagues.3. Doing mediocre work, filled with errors.4. Not being curious,...