stats today…

the first test at ISB…the first moment of reckoning…the first moment wherein we get to know who will be in the top 0.787873 percentile of the batch…all today..!yesterday was fun. with some time at my hand i made a mock mid term (reminded me of...

won lamhe…woh baatein…

holy sweet mother of jesus…what the hell is with this song that i listen to it some 97816967962892 times a day…! and why the hell is everyone else doing the same. its like the anthem at ISB this year…! and its fails to die down anytime soon. i do...

…the mckinsey way…

they call it the bible of consulting…and i guess i was drawn by this more than the cover…! started reading it yesterday and the first few pages are like this…”dude…u know what…i have worked at mckinsey for 3 years…


notice the question mark in the subject. i really dont know if i am feeling so. but yah…i am not at ease. its something that i cant discuss in public…(then why the hell did you even bring it up..u moron…!!)…forget it…!yesterday was...

another week…

E is with me right now…trying to ‘read’ statistics. its amazing how many people over the past 3 weeks have tried…and tried…and tried…to read statistics. hmmmm…how about doing statistics for a change…????...