Nov 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
22 years College topper Super smart Hardworking Fun to be with Always smiling Female In sales In Delhi Has to meet merchants Has to convince them of Groupon Female Advances made at her Inappropriate Touching Porn pics sent Sleep with me and I will sign the contract...Oct 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
Let’s for a second ignore the jaw-dropping retweets. What’s with the favorites. What are people thinking “Oh what was that brand someone had mentioned, which had bad customer service. Umm – let me check twitter favorites Aaah – Range...Oct 8, 2013 | Anecdotes, Entrepreneurship, Opinions
I grew up dreaming of becoming an astrophysicist. That dream consumed me. I loved everything about the universe and the physics of it. And then, over a year – while I was in my PhD program (and top of my class, with a 100% scholarship) I realized this...Oct 4, 2013 | Entrepreneurship
The past 2 weeks have been unusually busy. Preparing for Q4, some key initiatives. And speaking to a stream of entrepreneurs that came my way. 6 of them, to be precise. All but 1 failed the Tomorrow Test. Somewhere in the past 6 years, it become clear to me that any...Sep 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
Answer by Ankur Warikoo:Setting aside modesty (which I would endorse any other day), this was indeed a brilliant move for us. Context:Groupon India launched on Sep3rd a crazy deal – selling Onions at Rs.9/kg – when the market rate is between...