Jun 12, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Most advertising is about “launches” Here is our new product We have raised funding This is what we are going to do This is who we are This is what the future looks like Time and money worth Billions of dollars is invested, everyday...Jun 8, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
In response to a question on Quora, I recalled 3 things that I learnt in my first ever job While the first one was almost an instant realization, the second and third were formed over years and has taken time to transform from a hypothesis to a theorem ...Jun 5, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
One of my favorite interview questions is “do you like starting things or finishing things?” Almost 80% people like to start things. Shouldn’t come as a surprise though. Finishing is much harder. Finishing that project requires a lot more...May 31, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
You get up every morning You show up You slog it out You do the right things You work really really hard Don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t beg, don’t lie Here is the honest truth – people don’t care The world doesn’t...May 30, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Back in the Stone Age, the basic instinct was to survive. From animals, nature, any possible danger. Our brains were constantly working. Doing an almost great job of telling us when we need to watch out. I am assuming this single trait allowed us to...