Worst form of wisdom

The fastest way to become wise is to receive it The power of books, videos, podcasts – is phenomenal, especially if you consider the effort it would take to acquire it yourself There is danger though Information, today, is navigating at the speed of light And...

What’s on the other side of inspiration?

An ex-colleague wrote in, asking a very interesting question “Now that your videos and content have picked up a lot, how does the attention feel? What’s it like to be on the other end of inspiration?” It’s a lot of pressure And the only...

Fake news

This incident blew my mind Right after Diwali, Vidur vegans coughing. Took him to his doctor, who diagnosed the condition to be bad. I asked him if it was due to the Diwali pollution “Are you joking? This time there was no Diwali! It felt like a day of mourning...

Ridiculous, and thus misunderstood

Met a smart candidate yesterday for a senior role Towards the end the usual question popped up – what is the larger goal of nearbuy.com Not directly asked, but hidden in that question was the more basic one – what’s the potential of this deals and...

Most are living two lives

Are you a different person on weekdays and weekends? Are you a different person right before you step in to office and once you are inside? Are you a different person when with your team and when with your boss? Are you a different person through the year and towards...