dubai survival kit…

so…SA…or AS…if you are readin this…pardon me…cause i really didnt have anything else to write…its been 12 months for the ATK team here at Dubai…and we realized that its been quite a learning experience. a new country shall...

awesome feeling….

my feet were literally shivering as i walked towards A-01. i cudnt even dare to see who lives there now…but there was this sudden rush that i experienced…when i sat on the very same stairs infront of the b-blk…it was suddenly 6 months back…and...

same message…handled differently…

inspiredR and i were heading towards K’s place. catching up on life in the past 5 days…and planning the evening ahead. its rare that i listen to music in the car when with her…! but had burnt a new CD and (i dont know if someone else has it) there is...


as MG pointed out in last evening’s conversation…i tend to worry a lot.and i agree…out of all the things that make me question our existence on a daily basis..there is one that has been troubling me for quite sometime now..! sleepness...