Have been pensive all day long. I think I know why…however at times I don’t think that’s the real reason. Lately a lot of stuff has been happening to keep me questioning…about reasons…effects…impact…the learnings…life!

Finance tells you…decisions can be safely taken based on NPV calculations. You have the right discount factor…and the future values…and you bring everything down to the present. This gives you the present value. If more than the current cost…you go ahead with the project.

And then you question… is the past really the past…? Does it truly have no role to play? I know of sunk cost…but how sunk is sunk…? When at each and every step your past is what brought you to your present…then how can the present and the uncertain future be so powerful to let people decide on what to do. Would you have been here if a different path had been taken…? If a different history had been scripted…? The answer is obvious…

Yet…the present always wins. And rightly so…because at some level you are always hiding the past. And your present is what people see…and judge you on…and that present…with each passing day…becomes the ‘new’ past…stronger than the original past…!

And in the end…its so amazing. Different people have seen you differently…because they were part of a different present…and thus a different past…! The same individual is not the same…anymore…!

Amazing…! And so beautiful…
