You are walking with a friend on a dark street and out of no where a robber comes, points a knife at you and asks both of you to get rid of your wallets.

You fight the robber, without getting hurt.

You have never done this before. Never got into a physical fight.

You surprise yourself.

You have lost your job. Loans are to be paid, people have to be fed. You are the only earning member.

You start taking online dance classes, earning from all across the world.

You have never done this before. Never danced publicly. You were good, but always danced for yourself.

You surprise yourself.

You go through a health check up and realise you have high cholesterol. Dangerously high.

You cut down on all junk. All sugar. Exercise daily.

You have never done this before. Never got up early. Never stretched a muscle. You loved sleeping.

You surprise yourself.

We will never know how strong we are, until being strong is the only option we have.