Question on Quora

Before achieving anything (like a job, relationship, projects, etc.) I am too excited about it. I will give it 100%, but after getting it, I lose interest in it. What should I do?


You are thinking that everything just has 1 start and 1 stop.

What if everything had multiple starts and NO stop!

Break down the “problem” into smaller pieces – each of which requiring a different effort, a different approach and a different mindset.
For instance, in a relationship – there is
Getting to know about her childhood
Her Family
Her interests
The first movie
The first dinner
The first kiss
How does she react to Roadies
Does she like ice cream
Whats scares her the most
What makes her most happy
etc etc etc

And then each item becomes a project – a task that is as exciting as was the previous one.

The follow-on question then is – how do you maintain the excitement when the activiting is repeating itself. How can the 30th dinner be as exciting as the 1st one.
Innovate! Make that a project too. Think of a new format – a new cuisine – a new venue – a new Groupon deal :)

When I look back at my life – I realize that the things I lost interest in were the things I thought I would continue doing for the rest of my life without the ability to break them down into exciting projects.

Find a start a day!