May 29, 2011 | Funny, WTF
I love rediff comments. I especially love what it does to every Indian. Article on Chennai winning IPL… …comment from reader! Its amazing that an Indian has lifted the IPL trophy. Every team should have an Indian captain so that whenever someone wins, an...Apr 28, 2010 | News, Opinions, WTF
94%…yes you heard it right…94%…! Thats just 6% lower than a situation wherein a stressed-out parent enters the campus, approaches the reception and asks, “Madam (or sir…I dont mean to be sexist here!), I want to enroll my son for the...Mar 11, 2010 | Funny, WTF
I dont take responsibility for any pain that WILL BE inflicted on you, once you attempt to do so…but nonetheless…try it! What to do in a flight when you have an annoying passenger sitting next to you: 1. Remove your laptop from the case 2. Open the laptop...Dec 23, 2009 | Internet, SecondShaadi, WTF
I am tempted to say this is good news for SecondShaadi, but honestly, if the divorce was caused due to FB, there was a case for it right from the start…! FB would only be an excuse…not the cause…! Facebook fuelling divorce, research...