Jun 13, 2014 | Entrepreneurship, general, Opinions
20 years back I would travel 50km one way and spend an entire day to save Rs. 100 in textbooks and notebooks 15 years back I would stand in line for 2 hours to get a monthly pass made for my bus travel 10 years back I would spend an hour everyday cooking food to save...Jun 8, 2014 | Entrepreneurship, general, Opinions
If you have always had enough money in your bank If the car seat plastic is still on If you have never ran to catch a bus If you have never quit a job because you hated it If you have never spoken to a big crowd If you check all doors after you have shut down your car...Dec 26, 2013 | Anecdotes, general
In Feb 2012, I was ordered to “stop walking” in 2 weeks flat. A pain in my hips had been diagnosed as AVascular Necrosis (or AVN) – a freak thing to happen considering that most of the causes for AVN did not apply to me. The doctors suggested...Dec 10, 2013 | Entrepreneurship, general
This will be a lesson. A lesson that took a lot of effort for me to learn, but once I did I realized its power. This is a lesson on Feedback – giving and receiving. It has been a fascinating experience for me. It started in an “organized” fashion...