Why do we break new year resolutions?

90% of new year resolutions are broken by 15th January. Why does that happen despite our best intentions? The brain is always looking for shortcuts, and its default shortcut is to go back to what it is used to.  Deep down, we haven’t conditioned it to act in a...

Is it enough to ask questions?

We often ask ourselves a lot of questions: Why am I doing this?Why do I not want to do this?What do I want to achieve by taking this path? All are very meaningful and important questions. However, are we allowing ourselves to get the answers?  Or are our lives a...

Is it cool to quickly get an MBA?

MBA immediately after graduating looks like a cool choice. We will be a B-school graduate, have a great job, and finally “settle down”.Gaining some work experience before that is coined as wastage of time. However, what if the work experience turns out to be fruitful...

Performing amidst pressure

There are two kinds of pressures: Performance pressure and peer pressure. Performance pressure is the one we apply on ourselves.That we have to deliver.That we have to win.That we have to achieve.  It is the story in our head.  Peer pressure is the one we...

Generalist versus Specialist

In our parents’ generation, it was a privilege to be a specialist.To be the best and fastest in the world at one thing was the only way to survive. With unlimited opportunities in the information age, things have reversed. As someone who wants to climb the corporate...

How to find what you want to do

We’re confused about what to do in life. And college education certainly hasn’t helped. Why not explore our way through life, instead of being in a hurry to settle down?  Try out stand up comedy and share videos, and look at the reactions of people.Create music...