Is introversion a problem?

“You must be outgoing and hanging around with people. Your introversion isn’t going to help you!” Almost every introvert has not only heard these lines, they have also lost touch with themselves whenever they’ve tried to fit into the world this way. Introversion isn’t...

What happens after exploring?

I often talk about suggesting kids in their 20’s to go about exploring different career options.  But what should you do when you have really found what you love, you’re good at it, and the world is ready to pay you for it? Double down on what you’ve found. ...

Confidence for doing new things

You’re starting something you’ve never done. It’s making you anxious. You find yourself lacking confidence. What if I fail? What if I’m laughed at? What if my critics say: “I told you!” It’s impossible to have 100% confidence when you’re starting something new. ...

Why do people change?

Someone was kind to you for a long time.Now, all of a sudden they’ve become rude. This leaves you questioning.How could they change? Why did they change? Did I do something wrong?Somehow it has started affecting your self worth in that relationship.  Here’s the...

I’ll be happy when…

I’ll be happy when I find my partner.I’ll be happy when my parents understand me.I’ll be happy when my efforts are applauded. I’ll be happy “when”… When we attach a “when” to happiness, we make it conditional. Someone else has to take the responsibility to do...

On happiness

If it made you happy yesterday, don’t put the pressure on it to make you happy today as well. We humans change. External things don’t. A wiser choice is to pick something different that matches your current state of happiness. One of the happiest definitions of...