Mar 4, 2010 | general, News
I have a feeling that this is not genuine (the Time Magazine bit), but heck, irrespective of who has written this…it still is one of the best captures of what Sachin is all about! When Sachin Tendulkar travelled to Pakistan to face one of the finest bowling...Feb 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
Work has been tight lately…for good and for bad reasons! So I am borrowing a nice forward for this post! The 5 toughest questions for men are: 1. What are you thinking about? 2. Do you love me? 3. Do I look fat? 4. Do you think she is prettier than me? 5. What...Feb 26, 2010 | Funny, Internet
Not to say that I wasnt happy with the iPad, but even Rakhi Sawant would realize that its not technically the most optimal product! In this size (and coming from Apple), one could have expected – a full-size keyboard, USB ports, Flash support, in-built drive,...Feb 12, 2010 | News, Photography
I know that stunning is not quite an apt word to describe these photos, but honestly…these are! I only wish the occasion was something pleasant to remember! These were released by the New York City Police Department and provided on Feb 10, 2010. Check out all...Feb 1, 2010 | ISB, Opinions
Came back from ISB this weekend, after interviewing Round 2 candidates for the batch of 2011. Its funny (or is tragic the word) that inspite of the sheer amount of open source information available out there…courtesy Pagalguy (and the likes), more than 50%...