Jan 9, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Customer service is a hard thing. Especially in India. The Indian consumer is one of the most demanding, and I would argue the most threatening as well. It’s amazing how high the percentage is of customers emails to us that threaten to go to the consumer...Jan 6, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
I continue to be shocked by how little people invest in their personal development. I bet there are more people with mutual fund SIPs than people who read 1 book every year. Part of it is of course intent. But the sheer number of people who wish to...Jan 1, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
2016 Resolutions Record at least 10 cover songs in my voice – 10/10 I sang more than 500 songs this year – and eventually recorded 30+. Might showcase some of them publicly for feedback Write at least 150 blog posts and at least 100 medium posts –...Dec 29, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, general
When you are not practicing, someone else is. And when you meet each other, they will win. This paranoia drove me in 2016. I double down-ed on the practice. To prepare for the right time, not knowing when it will come. Not worrying about it either. This list is a...Dec 29, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
This year truly tested me. It started with a massive high – we had pulled off a remarkable Management Buyout in 2015, closed the year with the best sales ever and entered Jan 2016 with spirits and energy at the highest levels possible. And then it struck!...