
The world loves to celebrate warriors. People who have wounds to heal, scars to show, stories to tell. And every distress situation generates a warrior. It needn’t be at war. In fact most warriors don’t emerge from war, as much as they do from real life....

Visibly uncomfortable

Here is a sure shot way to make a group of people extremely uncomfortable Ask them to close their eyes And then don’t say anything For 5 seconds 10, 15, 30, 60 Most likely it won’t last for 60 seconds – people would have already opened their eyes....


Revenge is the weakest of human emotions. It indicates one has reached such a point that their “happiness” is predisposed on someone’s misery. Pause and think about it for a second. Your happiness depends on someone else’s misery. You know what...

Doing the right thing

What’s the best question to determine moral courage in an individual, during a professional interview? Tell me of a time you fired someone because that was the right thing to do for the companyIt’s fancy to suggest that one should always do the right...