Mar 13, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
The world loves to celebrate warriors. People who have wounds to heal, scars to show, stories to tell. And every distress situation generates a warrior. It needn’t be at war. In fact most warriors don’t emerge from war, as much as they do from real life....Mar 8, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
Here is a sure shot way to make a group of people extremely uncomfortable Ask them to close their eyes And then don’t say anything For 5 seconds 10, 15, 30, 60 Most likely it won’t last for 60 seconds – people would have already opened their eyes....Mar 5, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
Revenge is the weakest of human emotions. It indicates one has reached such a point that their “happiness” is predisposed on someone’s misery. Pause and think about it for a second. Your happiness depends on someone else’s misery. You know what...Feb 26, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
Because worse than no exercise Is the illusion of exercise The 25 mins neck warmup The 1kg bicep curl The push up that’s never quite one The squats that never go down The counting that jumps from 4 to 6 to 10, when no one is looking The 4kmph “run”...Feb 20, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
What’s the best question to determine moral courage in an individual, during a professional interview? Tell me of a time you fired someone because that was the right thing to do for the companyIt’s fancy to suggest that one should always do the right...