Finding someone…

Find the colleague who saw you at your worst and still helped you perform better.  Find the manager who saw you faltering and still chose to listen instead of scolding.  Find the friend who saw your lowest points and still chose to support. Find the partner...

Work from Home

When we started working from home in the last 2 years, we learnt a few important lessons.  One of which is work is NOT our life.It is an important part of life.But that is just it.Just a part of the whole pie. I am so grateful to have realised this almost a...
40 Under 40

40 Under 40

Fortune 40U40. Seems so epic! I won Fortune 40U40 for 2 years of the 4 years I was CEO of Groupon India. It was a lovely role – great money, global role, high visibility, however, something that did not require a lot of effort.  And then I started...

I was ALL of that!

Imagine going to IIT Delhi on a scooter with your father and NOT qualifying for it.Imagine coming from USA dropping out from a scholarship, and not knowing what to do next.Imagine quitting a 30LPA consulting job in 2009 to join a startup, only to be fired from that...


Ask for help.Ask for the advice you need.Ask for the problem that you are stuck with, so that you can finally reach a solution instead of being married to the problem forever. Help is ingrained in our culture for the longest time. We grow because we help others...