Self-imposed feelings

There is always a reason behind how we feel. If the reason for that feeling is someone else, why blame ourselves? It will pass. If we are the reason, why blame someone else? It’s time to fix it. The key is to find the source. Our feelings are self-imposed. If we...

Is it even trust?

We have this habit of checking the strength of our relationships, every now and then. “Let’s see if they can be trusted.” The minute we test it, we break it. It is either earned or established through conduct. It’s not to be tested. To test...

Baggage of Experience

We keep running after work experience. We think it will make us better at what we do. But experience comes with its own baggage- a blind belief that what we know is what is right. However, it is the maturity of realizing that we are constantly learning, that things...

The Pressure on Jobs

“I am doing this job only for financial stability. It does not make me happy”. Our heart lies somewhere else. Yet, we continue to put a lot of pressure on our job. We expect it to not only provide us with financial stability but also with work...

Signing up for Inspiration

We wake up and feel this intense need to work out because somehow, we are feeling inspired today. So, we go and work out rigorously. But one rigorous day at the gym can hardly change us or make us healthy. We think of inspiration as an occasional dose of injection...