Do you feel scared to share your content?

“Your content is really inspirational.I also want to create content.However, I feel I have nothing to share..” This is the fear of a lot of people struggling to create content online. We are constantly thinking what we know isn’t good enough.What we do isn’t cool...

Is it incorrect to make mistakes?

We’ve all made mistakes.We still do.We will continue to. However, the first mistake rarely brings any harm.  Ignoring the mistake and not learning a lesson from it causes real harm.  Because we’ve wasted a learning opportunity.Because we might repeat the...

Who am I? What do I do?

What is the role that we define ourselves by? Am I a Product Manager?A painter?An engineer?A leader? Society has trained us to believe that we should be just one thing in our life.  However, none of the successful people in history – from Michelangelo or...

Work on your strengths? Or weaknesses?

Strengths are our trump cards.We already have an edge over them.They make us start ahead of everyone else. Weaknesses are our jacks. We will have to work more than everyone else to even be at par. Then why is it that people are told to work on their weaknesses and not...