i didnt write a word in the last week of the term…and there are a couple of reasons:

1. i was studying this time
2. i told u i wont be writing…!

i didnt write a word after coming back from delhi after the break..its been 3 days now…and there are a couple of reasons:

1. none
2. none


The beginning:
The delhi break was awesome…had loads and loads of fun. went with R in the metro all the way to DU (at 9.30 in the night!)…went to the Hindu Lawn and the Miranda back gate…wow…nostalgia…! went for dinners and movies…basically total blast. i dont think a trip will be possible for the remaining session..so desperately waitin for R to come down in the 1st week of Sep

Term 3:
Has started off well…the courses are fun…finance comes in finally. looks interesting…(even more so with the sensex going beyond 7500…am shit scared tht something fishy is happening..!).

managerial accounting is linear programming and monte carlo sims combined…so always fun..!

entrepreneurship is too good…the 1st class yesterday was a blast.
Incidence 1 –
1. prof picks up the marker
2. too bad..the market doesnt work
3. keep down the market and lift a new one…?? r u crazy…thts juvenile..
4. WHOOOOSSSHHHHH….the marker is thrown at jet speed…to strategically land under the whiteboard empty space
5. prof: “that was a good shot..wasnt it…?”
6. students: “what the…….?”

besides this…the class was actually a whole lot of fun. after a long timei realized that i have stopped thinking out of the box. numbers…crunching…yah easy stuff…thinking beyond that…?…oopsss…not coming in as well…! have to work on this…

Operations was really good…including the moustache…! the prof made a lot of sense…whatever he said might have registered as ‘oh we know this..big shit..’. however only someone who knows the importance of processes and the entire trauma of ‘improving’ them…will appreciate and realize the gravity of his statements. pretty impressive.

best of all…LDP (leadership dev. program)…inspite of what people might think…i guess the lecture was pretty well executed (except for the last half n hour…wherein he realized…”oops..i am finished…lemme start with some blabber now…”). he talked about world history and how we all are embedded with an agrarian, risk-averse chip inide us…and how we will eventually…(god knows when though) compliment that with an industrial chip. the difference lies in the attitude. from ‘no matter how much i work..everything is pre-decided..’…to ‘i can control much of what i want to do in life..’

good stuff…!

apart from all this…everyone back here seems refreshed after the break. i finally put up the lamp A had gifted and its looking pretty..right above my bed. gives a homely feel to the room. want to buy a beanbag now..however that will surely require atleast 7 sitting infront of the mandir…way too expensive.

looking forward to the term…and to the end of this one year…! :)
