It’s February 2020. Just a usual autumn morning. Just the usual dread before going to work. Just the usual impossible desire for having permanent work from home.

March 2020. Wishes granted. Welcome Work From Home. No more offices. Waking up three minutes before meetings. Life couldn’t be happier!

March 2021: We somehow miss office. Not the meetings and doodlings (perhaps that even). Rather the cafeteria conversations, wisdom on walks, and talks while table tennis. 

Work is still being done, but only work is being done. The spaces that we used to enjoy, are the spaces we do even more work in!

It is a threat, if we keep waiting for the time to get back to office – which might never happen in the same manner before.
It is an opportunity, if we replicate those casual conversations even while working from home.

Knowing each other in weekly catch-ups. Or book club meetings. Or any other activity that is a “scheduled meeting” beyond work.

A year back, almost every company had a challenge to deal with: WFH.
Fast forward to a year later, almost every company has a low hanging fruit to catch: Engaging their teams. 

As always, we get to choose.