I have been in the Internet some for 8 years now. By virtue of that I have accumulated a lot of tacit knowledge. If rumors were to be believed there is even a name for this now. Experience!
It’s an immensely gratifying experience when I can add value through my experience. When I am able to move things forward, because of a larger repository of situations behind me.
What isn’t a bit gratifying is when I am forced to add value through my discipline and rigor. If I move things forward because I have the discipline and rigor of thinking through things – that’s not because I have more experience. That’s simply because I care. And someone else doesn’t, as much.
Discipline and rigor aren’t an outcome of experience.
They are a choice
An interesting aspect I noticed about this kind of situation is, the other person is not even aware about the kind of discipline that you are talking about. They won’t even understand (unless you are senior to them).
It is just the ability to be able to think through situations, that I am able to align better to the goals and achieve them. While others may consider many easy options in a situation, even when it is obvious that most difficult option is the right choice. That is where the character comes in. And discipline and rigor are a part of it.
Thanks for sharing this!