Dec 6, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
TimeFamilyExperiencesHeated home during wintersCold home during summersEducation for kidsFacilities for ageing parents Few of the priceless things money buys.Dec 5, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
You are wrong.You did this wrong.You said this wrong.This was not done well.You are always wrong. The vicious cycle to what the world says as “wrong” will continue forever. Even when you have done the right thing. What’s important is not what the...Dec 4, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
On my YouTube channel, I usually host a guest a week. Here are some of the life lessons that I have come across, from some of the wise minds: Tech Burner: Everything is a lie!Nikhil Kamath: Rent > BuyMorgan Housel: Write consistently. And you have a book.Seth Godin:...Dec 3, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
Investing is important.A huge part of my online teaching is about it.It secures your future. However, we can secure our future only when we have solved for unforeseen circumstances.Which means, having a life and health insurance.It is only then when you would enjoy...Dec 2, 2022 | Entrepreneurship
What is going on in your mind is what is going on in your mind. People cannot read it, unless you state it. Share it with them, if you wish that to be known. Applies to all relationships. Including the ones at work. Let yourself be heard. By speaking up. And not...