Someone died on the streets today 

Everyday we read news and hear stories about people that die on the streets of india.  Most of them are under the influence of alcohol when the accident happened.  we feel sorry.  And we think we are above this. We know when to stop. We are in control....

The slowest one

Our entire world is about pegging ourselves to the slowest ones. The ones who destroy it for everyone else.  I drive at 40kmph because someone decided it would be fun to drive at 100kmph and couldn’t handle it.  I drink post 25 years because someone...

2 things 

Think of 2 things you need to do, to become better at your work Don’t scroll down. Think of them first …. …. …. Those who thought of 3 or more are entrepreneurs

Will – the only four letter word you know 

A lifeOf ambition  Of labor Not just physical but emotional Of no regrets Of time as the biggest weapon you have Of will the only four letter word And at the end of the long hard day When you look up Not for inspiration  Not in desperation  But just to...

The worst of you

A new project A new relationship A new market A new business A vibrant economy A growing customer base A new place A world of newness And you are at your best. Your best mood. Your best face. Your best approach. Your best methods. Your best of everything.  The...