
You are going through a tough time.Unable to think.Or move forward. And that is starting to reflect on your relationship with others. Here’s what might help: EVERYONE is carrying a heavy load. Everyone. Some show, some don’t. But there ain’t anyone...

The biggest hurdle to growth

Is your fear of embarrassing yourself. Not your parents.Not your friends.Also, not your former colleagues. Just you. Your biggest hurdle to growth is what you would think of yourself. Your biggest reason of growth is what you think of yourself.The way you direct what...

How to change your past

The past was bitter.Very bitter.It almost killed you. But you know what? You can actually change your past. By changing the meaning of those painful memories.By choosing to define those memories in the way you want to define them.By choosing to live in the present by...


A legacy all parents must give to their kids. Not money.Not facilities.Not even a lot of time. Rather encouragement, because that fills up their mind for the rest of their lives. Encouragement is the fuel that fills up all wells of an individual when grown up, even...

No one knows all the answers

But what you can do is listen. Listen to those who ask you questions.Listen to yourself.Listen to everything that is being said.And what is not said. No one knows all the answers. But what we certainly know is to get to a process of getting there. By showing up to...