Not enough time

It’s hard to have more time. Too much to do. And all that’s genuine work. But if we do what we have been doing, how will we ever get different results? The key is to do different things to change the results, because the same things always guarantee the same results....

Fears versus dreams

We have big dreams. They want us to never stop. Our fears are also loud. They want us to stop right now. Which one will win? The one that gets heard the most. Dream is an inner voice. Fear is an acquired one. The voice that gets heard more, is the voice that...

How to create content

Content creation is something all of us must do. It’s a process of becoming and seeing the change in ourselves from who we were to who we are becoming. However, a lot of people get confused about what to create content on.  The answer is: whatever we do. If we play a...

The purpose of failure

We’re going through a difficult time. We’re failing. Perhaps everyone has already believed we are a failure. But who is a real failure? Didn’t every successful person fail more than succeed? The purpose of failure isn’t to prove how big a failure we are. The purpose...

Who’s giving the advice?

An overweight friend is asking us to eat healthy. A friend with zero savings always nudges us to invest more. The coworker with a secure job is pushing us to pursue our dreams. Too often, we lay more importance on who is giving the advice instead of what advice is...