A secret to predict your future

I’m a big fan of habits.Habits are how I have set up my life around.Be it content creation, be it reading books, or even working out. It has been one of the greatest reasons of why I feel energetic always. However, one of the secrets is I never predict my future...

The misconception about good teams

A hallmark of a good team is that everyone is closely knit together, and is each other’s good friend. Which is far from truth. Any team, is comprised of people coming from different perspectives and priorities, and it’s natural for them to not be friends...

Simple value of trust

One of the best ways to generate trust of your manager or your friends in you, is you do whatever you commit to. Is it going to be easy?Absolutely no. Is it going to be worth it?Undoubtedly yes. The sad mistake we make while seeking trust is we expect others to trust...

I can’t wait to be happy!

Once I get a bf / gf, I will be happy.Once I go on a trip with my friends, I will be happy.If only my parents were more understanding, I would be happy. We postpone our happiness to infinity, thinking of handing someone a post to make us infinitely happier, by their...