Bad company

We are defined by the company we keep. Interesting company = we become interesting.Boring company = that boredom eventually rubs off on us. That said, if you are with yourself and you are lonely, are you in bad company? If not, why are you lonely, shouldn’t you...

It’s the start

Embracing failure is not the end.It is the start. Making a mistake is not the end.It is the start. Changing careers is not the end.It is the start. Starting a new hobby is not the end.It is the start. Moving to a new city is not the end.It is the start. Letting go is...

Mistake in your job

Don’t make this mistake in your job! Whenever your manager tries to show you a way to do things, do not mistake it as an imposition from their side. Don’t think they are not giving you the autonomy that you need or they are stifling your independent thinking. Because...

DON’T Get Comfortable

Don’t stop working hard once you have gotten that big break.Don’t stop reading because you have had multiple good days. Don’t stop working out because you have lost those extra 10 kgs. The world is designed to make our lives comfortable. Avoiding the comfort trap is...

Keep moving forward

Small increase in weights you lift. 10 minutes early from your waking up time. Eating healthy most days of the week. For the longest time, it will feel like you aren’t making any progress. Until you see a transformed person altogether. Transformation is usually...