Feb 22, 2025 | Entrepreneurship
Your salary is not your only success.Your happiness is as well. Your marks are not your only success.Your learning is as well. Your designation is not your only success.YOUR description of your designation is as well. The world will make us believe a fake definition...Feb 21, 2025 | Entrepreneurship
If you died, your manager would put out a job posting in 48hrs looking for a replacement. Your friends and family will never get that chance. As much as your job is necessary, do not ignore the relationships where you remain...Feb 20, 2025 | Entrepreneurship
Emotionally intelligent people allow themselves their bad days, their hard moments, their tough admissions. And they give themselves the space to experience them all. Knowing that this too shall pass. As will the good ones as...Feb 19, 2025 | Entrepreneurship
We make the worst decisions when we make them in the moment, led by our emotions. We make the best decisions when we make them with no pressure, led by our awareness.Feb 18, 2025 | Entrepreneurship
YOU ARE NOT STUCK.No one’s ever stuck. In life if you feel stuck, you will be FAR MORE miserable for the exact same conditions, than if you have options. It is true, not just for work.It is true for relationships.It is true for money.True for life. Even if...