Make this decision wisely

The one decision that will affect EVERY area of your life meaningfully is picking the right partner. This is because, your partner affects: – Your financial life: To have the same financial goals and use money in similar ways makes life less about convincing and...

Can you influence luck?

We think of luck as something beyond our control.Which makes us helpless to it. Luck is something YOU can influence. Sit down with yourself, reflect on your life and make a list of all the times where you “lucked out”. Go back further, to see if there was...

Not all success is due to hard work

We drive an air-conditioned car and get mad when the bicycle comes in front of us. We walk into an interview hall and judge the person dressed shabbily. We speak in English and laugh at those who don’t know how to pronounce cafe.  We judge those that try to save...

On hopelessness

When you are working towards something, there is always hope.  Hopelessness is felt on two occasions: When you haven’t yet started and feel there is no way you can (untrue more often). When you achieve what you wanted but it doesn’t change how you feel (true more...

5 questions to ask your parents before its too late

1) What is your happiest memory of us?2) How was the first year of parenthood for you?3) What is the nicest thing I have ever done for you?4) What are the best & worst parts about getting older?5) What’s one thing you want me to always remember after you are...