What’s more valuable than IQ and EQ?

More than two decades back, the society revered the ones with high IQ. Over time, it began giving higher importance to mastering our emotions, and understanding them in others.  So EQ became the in-thing. However, there is a third important thing beyond both of...

Using the hurt to grow

How do we respond when we are hurt?Do we blame the person who did that to us?Or carry the baggage of that hurt forever? Here’s a simple question to ask:“What is this trying to tell me?”  We’d probably get nowhere getting to the root cause of hurt.However,...

What if we achieve our goals?

We work really hard.Give up on all pleasures.Sacrifice valuable family time. All in order to get to our goals.  Unfortunately, sometimes we are not able to make it.Our dreams are shattered.So does our hope go for a toss. And sometimes, we do achieve our goals.Of...

The messy clean up process

When the ink in the pen gets over, we keep the pen under the tap to clean it. And that’s a messy process. Ink all over. More than you thought there is.  However, after that, the pen is absolutely clean.Ready to write again with the newly-filled ink. Any...

Do you wait for inspiration to happen?

You see a video and feel inspired.What if you hadn’t seen that video?You read a book and feel inspired.What if you hadn’t read the book? You meet someone and feel inspired.What if you hadn’t met that person? When we leave inspiration to chance, it leaves all those...