The ordinary way of doing extraordinary things

There are people that have gone on to do exceptional things.  Changed the world forever.  Leonardo da Vinci. Madame Curie. Albert Einstein. Steve Jobs.  What’s a special trait they have? Were they child prodigies?Or naturally gifted? It’s because they...

How to get over loneliness

Do you sometimes feel lonely? You feel no one understands you, feels your emotions, or knows what you’re going through. How to go about fixing it? When we listen to someone who’s going through the same pain,When we let them know they aren’t invisible,When we assure...

Chasing goals

We chase goals, work hard towards them, and when we finally achieve them, we still feel incomplete. Why does that happen? Because we tie our happiness to a place. Showing people that you can. Proving them wrong. Making sure you have their respect.  It all becomes...