
People are different.They are supposed to be. They are living their truths.They are supposed to be. We don’t have to agree with them.We aren’t supposed to be. It’s okay if we don’t agree with people. As long as we understand...


You are going through a tough time.Unable to think.Or move forward. And that is starting to reflect on your relationship with others. Here’s what might help: EVERYONE is carrying a heavy load. Everyone. Some show, some don’t. But there ain’t anyone...

The biggest hurdle to growth

Is your fear of embarrassing yourself. Not your parents.Not your friends.Also, not your former colleagues. Just you. Your biggest hurdle to growth is what you would think of yourself. Your biggest reason of growth is what you think of yourself.The way you direct what...

How to change your past

The past was bitter.Very bitter.It almost killed you. But you know what? You can actually change your past. By changing the meaning of those painful memories.By choosing to define those memories in the way you want to define them.By choosing to live in the present by...