
History is the most powerful lesson.It tells us what has happened, why it worked, why it may not work now and what is needed to change. When we join a new company and do not ask what’s happened before, we ignore history. When we start a new relationship and do...

Truth about being a founder

Truths about being a founder that are rarely spoken about.  A thread… When was the last time you bought a product or service, because the founder is from IIT, or because the founder hasn’t drawn a salary for the past 6 months, or that the founder is...

The most important lesson that debating taught me

When I entered college, being part of the Debating Society was an aspiration. This is where all the cool kids hung out (or so I thought!) and this is where the hottest ideas were endlessly debated. And I thought that the critical measure of success for a debater was...


You have an army ready to fight. The weapons ready to kill. The preparation ready to show. An opposition that doesn’t intimidate. Going out to the battle field in such a scenario isn’t exactly an act of courage. There could be nervousness, yes. But courage isn’t the...

Data point in an excel sheet

In times of crisis, it is wise to remind oneself that people are not data points on an excel sheet. They are people. But then, it is also true that everyone is a data point on someone’s excel sheet. This simply means that everyone gets a shot at taking the tough...